As a company, TotalControlPro™ are committed to empowering global manufacturing and unleashing their full potential. Our vision is to bring clarity and full visibility to the manufacturing industry worldwide, and have our clients see their productivity reach unfathomable heights. Across the next few weeks we will be releasing our ‘Top Five Productivity Hacks’ to enable you to unleash your full potential and the first hack we have is around workplace communication.
Communication is central to every industry workplace. When communication is out of sync amongst teams, mistakes are made, production lines falter and ultimately organisations face ineffective to-ing and fro-ing in order to get anything done. TotalControlPro™ have recognised that clear communication strategies enable three key transformations: in employee engagement, customer engagement and internal team communication systems to allow our clients to reach and even excel their targets.
One of the most important things for the adoption of productivity tools, such as TotalControlPro™, is a fully engaged employee workforce. We found instilling a track and trace software, offering clear visibility of the shop-floor to top-floor, facilitates employees to send the right information to management teams and vice versa. A clearer, more detailed communication system through one single point of communication sent via an audit trail, allows not only the management to understand what is being conducted on the shop floor, but also enables employees to be engaged and empowered through a new visibility of their workstation achievements. Employees no longer face frustrating games of Chinese whispers for information to reach the necessary management teams. Instead, precise, detailed and clear information reaches the right teams in a matter of seconds. Production errors can now be solved at half the time and productivity no longer faces major delays.
Secondly, the adoption of TotalControlPro™ cloud MES software enables clearer customer communication. By viewing where each product is along your production line, the time taken so far and its forecasted time to delivery, your customers can receive first-class customer service. No longer do they fear unexpected delays as you have the information at your fingertips to give precise time to delivery. We can ensure that communication need only be said once as it can then be captured, stored, sent and displayed to the right person, at the right time, at the right place. Miscommunication between customer and producer becomes a thing of the past.
Finally, no discussion of workplace communication would be complete without reference to the importance of an authentic internal team. A unified organisation founded on an empowering mission statement and core values is vital to ensuring an authentic service can be provided to customers. At TotalControlPro™, we recently conducted a team training day, where the whole team (from technicians to human resources) discussed and aligned on who we are as a company and what we are committed to offering the world. We recognised this unity, when a company is working completely for the same goals, productivity improvement can truly be made both to our clients and to our own employees. By uniting your company values and streamlining communication, huge productivity potentials can open. It ensures the reduction of missed communication or misunderstood communication, both of which often result in delays in productivity. This may also have a major impact in your marketing, as if the same methods of communication conducted employees is reiterated to clients there is clear authenticity in your business, which will entice positive customer interest. Therefore, treat employees the way you would treat your customers and watch the difference this could have on your outputs.