Total Control Pro Takes Control at MACH 2024: A Recap of Success and Innovation for UK Manufacturers 

The doors have closed on MACH 2024, but the excitement for Total Control Pro and our innovative manufacturing platform, DynamxMFG, is just beginning. Over the past five days, we have had the pleasure of connecting with a fantastic audience of UK manufacturers, engineers, and industry leaders at the NEC in Birmingham. 


Click to View our MACH 2024 Overview video here

A Week of Engagement and Insightful Conversations 

From the opening bell, our booth buzzed with activity. Manufacturers from across the UK, Europe, Asia and beyond stopped by to learn more about DynamxMFG and how it can empower their production processes. It was inspiring to hear about the challenges they face and how DynamxMFG’s features, built by manufacturers for manufacturers, could provide solutions. 

One of the most common themes that emerged during our conversations was the need for increased efficiency and streamlined operations. Many manufacturers expressed frustration with manual processes, data silos, and a lack of real-time visibility. DynamxMFG resonated with them as a comprehensive platform that tackles these pain points head-on. 

Here’s how DynamxMFG addresses some of the key challenges UK manufacturers face: 

Inventory Management: DynamxMFG provides real-time inventory tracking, allowing manufacturers to optimise stock levels, reduce waste, and ensure smooth production runs. 

Production Scheduling: The platform’s advanced scheduling tools help visualise and optimise production workflows, ensuring on-time delivery and minimising disruptions. 

Quality Control: DynamxMFG supports robust quality control procedures by facilitating non-conformance tracking and data analysis, leading to continuous improvement. 

Data Visibility: The platform offers a centralised hub for all manufacturing data, providing valuable insights to improve decision-making and identify potential bottlenecks. 


Live Q&A and Demos 

The team, including CEO Dorian Smellie and CMO Dolores Sanders, held in-person demonstrations of the DynamxMFG system to potential clients, partners, and enthusiasts alike to delve deeper into DynamxMFG’s functionalities and receive expert advice on how to optimise their specific production needs. 



Throughout the week, we offered attendees a glimpse into the platform’s capabilities and generated much interest. 


Building Strong Connections 

We introduced our new team members, Damian Donn, and Saffron Corcoran at the show to meet and network with clients, partners, and prospects alike. One of the most rewarding aspects of MACH 2024 was the positive feedback we received from attendees. Existing clients impressed by DynamxMFG’s potential even shared testimonials. These endorsements speak volumes about the value proposition of our platform. 


Looking Ahead: Continued Support for UK Manufacturing 

The success of MACH 2024 is a testament to the growing need for innovative solutions in the UK manufacturing landscape. We are committed to supporting UK manufacturers in their journey towards greater efficiency, quality control, and overall production optimisation


Here is what you can expect from Total Control Pro moving forward: 

SMDH (Smart Manufacturing Data Hub) Digital Factory Project: This collaborative project between SMDH and DynamxMFG will assist SMEs to unlock their full potential in the digital manufacturing era. Click here for more information 

Continued Innovation: We remain dedicated to developing and refining DynamxMFG to address the evolving needs of the UK manufacturing industry. 

Industry Resources: Keep an eye on our blog and social media channels for valuable insights and resources on optimising your manufacturing processes. 


Join the DynamxMFG Revolution 

MACH 2024 may be over, but the future of UK manufacturing is bright. If you are looking for a way to take control of your production, reduce costs, and improve efficiency, DynamxMFG is the platform for you. Schedule a 15-minute Discovery Call here.  

Together, let us revolutionise UK manufacturing! 

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